Tuesday, February 17, 2015



For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Fatter will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14-15

Today's human society is corrupt, and philosophies are becoming self-centered. To sweep away these philosophies, only God's love, true love can suffice. True love is the love to give and give without expecting any return: Give and forget.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: True Love and the Unified World November 28, 1986

As human beings, we want to see our love partner become thousands of times greater than ourselves. Where did we learn that? From God. God wants to see human beings, as his love partners, become this way. That's why we should give and forget, give and forget and live our life for the sake of others. God has been investing himself and forgetting throughout human history. Isn't that right? Logically, this is the principle; even God has no choice but to follow it.

It even applies to the conjugal relationship. If as a wife you want to see your husband become ten, hundred, thousand times greater than yourself, what you have to do is invest yourself, living your life for the sake of your husband over and over again, forgetting what you have done for your husband. Then naturally it will happen. Step by step, you and your husband will develop a mutual relationship of living for the sake of each other. Together you will go up toward the summit.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Everybody Wants True Love March 14, 1999

My attitude is to forgive and forget. As long as I follow God's way my worst critics will eventually apologize, and in the future their families will respect me, and my children. I have been in prison many times, particularly in communist prisons. I was called a prisoner but I was never ashamed; I always walked with dignity. Although I never committed a crime, after I was released I never desired to return to gain revenge. Rather, I prayed to God, "Father, forgive them so that these people can open their hearts and be united with me." With that heart I walked out of the prison camp. This is the path God has been walking for thousands of years.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Where Do We Go? September 17, 1978

When I was persecuted by the communist regime in North Korea, the police arrested me and tortured me until they thought I was dead. Don't you think that I could have felt resentment toward my situation at such times? I could have demanded of God, "Why are you allowing me to suffer like this? Why can't you do something to protect me, since you are so great and powerful?" This would have been the common reaction. But even though my hands were bruised and bleeding, I clasped them in prayer for those who tortured me. I know that those who beat me were only acting on orders; they could not reject me completely. I longed to embrace them and forgive them. I refused to write them off. You likewise should not give up when you encounter opposition or difficulties.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: True Parents and Our Responsibility December 27, 1981

Church leaders here, when you take care of your people and see someone with a shortcoming, don't directly criticize his faults simply as his. Rather, observe how you can forgive him. See if you can find something praise worthy in his wife. If the wife is worse than the husband, then look at his children. If even the children are worse, then look at his mother and father. A man's parents must have some good points. If I thus treat him with the heart of parent's love, the blessings that have been accumulated within his family emerge and make a relationship with me. This is the way to engraft blessings. Do you understand?

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: With Jungsung and Love January 5. 1999

Have you African-American members carried some kind of hidden grudge against white people? You can have two thoughts -- one, that some day you will get revenge for injustice done, or two, that you sincerely love them, becoming one with them in true love. For hundreds of years you have been oppressed and enslaved, but can you forgive and forget that, and tell God you want to love others regardless?

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Let Us Think May 6, 1979

Judge not, lest you ye judged

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will he judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can You say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:1-5

When I doubt people, I feel pain.

When I judge people, it is unbearable.

When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.

Yet if I believe, I am deceived.

If I love, I am betrayed.

Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands Am I wrong?

Yes, I am wrong.

Even though we are deceived, still believe.

Though we are betrayed, still forgive.

Love completely even those who hate you.

Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile.

Those who know nothing but deceit.

And those who betray without regret.

Oh Master! The pain of loving!

Look at my hands.

Place your hand on my chest.

My heart is bursting, such agony!

But when I loved those who acted against me I brought victory.

If you have done the same thing,

I will give you the crown of glory.

The Crown of Glory

(Written when Rev. Moon was 16 years old)

The grace you received from God is not only for your sake. It is grace for the sake of society, people, the world, God's will, and heaven. Despite this, most people ding to this grace and secure their seat in their own sphere of life, and try to enjoy it only as their own. However, this grace will leave you because it can no longer remain in that place.

Therefore, if you have received some divine favor from heaven, then with the heart of righteous indignation you can fight with Satan on behalf of heaven. You should not act in judgment centering on yourself. Similarly, it you try, to take advantage of the granted divine favor, centering on yourself, or try to judge others, centering on yourself, then, because this is not the right attitude of faith, you will not be able to walk the correct path of God's will.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Let the Sleeping World Awaken May 19, 1957

Now that we know the correct way to live, we need not criticize others; the only thing we need to do is go the right way.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: The Deep Desire of Our Original Nature February 14, 1982


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