Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Ethics of the Kingdom, The Great Commandment


Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery" Matthew 19:8-9

If you consider getting a divorce, you should feel shocked and faint. In the future, the word "divorce" will be erased from the dictionary. God will never compromise one inch on this. If you can discuss the possibility of divorce without feeling stunned, then you know how far from God you are. This is an absolute criterion. We have to live according to that standard before we can say we have gained absolute love.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: True Man, True Church, True Country January 9, 1983

Should a woman discard her husband if, for some reason, she feels he doesn't suit her? Should you divorce? No. Mankind never knew this before, but divorce is similar to the act of abortion. Staying married creates the possibility for the fulfillment of all these goals, but divorce breaks down every possibility destroying the parents, the children, and the ideal.

Ask your original mind: Should you divorce your spouse? Ask your children whether they want you to divorce. What about your parents? Ask them if they would like you to divorce. Nobody wants to go through divorce. The one who is pursuing a divorce will feel sad, but if he doesn't realize the seriousness of the issue, he will go ahead and sign the paper.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Thank You For Protecting Us November 22, 1987

In this world, parents do not have absolute unity. They are inclined to struggle and fight with one another and even think about divorce. Is such a world heaven or hell? Do you imagine that your two eyes desire to divorce? These eyes always have harmony and unity one with another. They follow each other. Do you think that your left nostril desires to divorce your right nostril? They always work in harmony with each other. Your upper and lower lips always operate in oneness and remain eternally together. Do you think that your right ear will decide not to hear anymore and let the left ear do it all? Actually our five senses do not have any concept of divorce. However, our body's desire is the problem. Our bodily desire demands that our mind follow.

Within my family there are children from two different mothers. When I lost my first wife through divorce, I had to go through a wilderness course; I lost everything, in a way now the entire world is experiencing the same thing through the breakdown of families. The world has completely lost God's true love family center. It has lost God's value system.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Our Responsibility in Becoming Children of True Parents February 16, 1997

From all the usual standards of appearance and education, your husband may seem impossible, but the important question is whether he is genuinely living for the will of God. However ugly that person may be, he can be refined by dressing him up and educating him and teaching him manners. The handsome man, on the other hand, would more likely think it is foolish to live for God and not for himself. Which type of husband would you want?

I experienced this very thing in my own life. My first wife was outstanding as an individual, but she only thought of her own welfare and that of our family. But I was looking for a woman who would take care of everyone else first. I wanted our home to be open for public service and a place of God's love, but she could not live like that. If I had listened to her, would I be here today teaching you this message? I knew that my wife had a very difficult task to truly live for the sake of others, while to follow her direction would have led to permanent death. I could not possibly live that way. When she knew she could not change my mind, she left.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: New Family Given by God September 5, 1982

The rich young man

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

"Which ones?" the man inquired

Jesus replied, "'Do not murder; do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 19:16-25

Everyone is seeking happiness. People do what they do in search of happiness, but we know painfully well that they do not find it. On the other hand, we are a group of people who are agonizing and suffering almost to the maximum extent of misery. But we can find true love, lofty ideals, and all the positive things. Now we can reach a conclusion based on common sense. In the secular life of physical enjoyment, almost no enduring love can be found. As a general rule, you have more chance of finding love among those who lead a suffering life than among well-to-do people. That is exactly what Jesus pointed out when he said it is more difficult for a rich man to go to the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. 

Who is the most patriotic person in a country? Is it a person who has everything at his disposal and can do whatever he desires? Who has love? Is it this well-to-do person, or is it more likely someone who lives in miserable conditions but is ready to give whatever he has for the sake of the nation? Which of these people has a better chance of finding happiness? The sacrificial person. Nobody envies him, but he is in a better position. 

Of course, there are two kinds of humble people. One is forced to live this kind of life simply because he is poor. That may be a different story. But the man who could lead a first-rate, rich life but gives it up to live in a more humble fashion is the one who has the chance of finding love and happiness. You know the rules of the Principle very clearly By the same token, a citizen in the greatest and most affluent country of America, who gives everything up and chooses to go to Africa and suffer with the people there, helping them to improve and raising them up above misery and sickness, is a great man. If Americans chose to trade their affluence for that way of life, they would be respected all over the world and they would find happiness. They would find the love and respect of other people. Does this sound farfetched or reasonable? This is reality.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: The Realm of Heavenly Liberation December 15, 1991

Would you prefer having true love or cheap love? Would you rather submit to the demands of true love from the very beginning, or only the last 20 percent of your life? A person who thinks he is clever might prefer taking the easy way. That is why Jesus said that it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. In the Orient we say "the ear of the needle." Jesus meant that it would be practically impossible, even if the rich man lost all his wealth and sank into poverty. If a poor man could easily enter heaven, why would a rich man never be likely to make it? Once a person becomes self-centered and arrogant, even though he may falter and become penniless he will usually remain self-centered. That quality will not quickly vanish. Poor people, however, have flexibility. Because they have nothing, they are more willing to go anywhere and do anything.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Crossroads of Life and Death December 17, 1978

The Great Commandment

One of them, an expert in the law; tested him with this question: "Teacher: which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:35-40. 

These verses contain the ideal of love that is the vital logic of the universe, the ideal ideology of the universe, and the center of life of the universe. In this way we can make a love connection with God, loving God by offering all things as said in these words. Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." The cosmic representative who loved God with all of his soul and with all of his heart and with all of his mind was none other than Jesus. To receive recognition as the man who came forth with a will like this, Jesus frankly revealed his situation to his beloved disciples. Jesus was a man who employed his utmost for the benefit of heaven. He was a man who exerted all of his heart, his power, and his mind.

We should emulate Jesus' virtues, such as the loyalty and sincerity he showed in his service toward heaven, standing all alone in a swirl of things and holding onto the great mission of the heavenly way. He demonstrated the heart that exerted all, the mind that represented God's will, and the character to make every effort to substantiate the ideal of love.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: Jesus Who Is to Establish Heaven's Love February 24, 1957.

The movement that we should ultimately begin is the "New Love Movement." The focus of the "New Love Movement" is to love God as our Father and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The crown of love is sacrifice. The "New Love Movement" should develop into a movement that knows how to sacrifice for God, for the world, for the nation, and for all fellow countrymen.

This is Jesus' ultimate teaching, but in history Christianity always failed to accomplish this "New Love Movement." Any movement that lives only for itself will necessarily fail, while any movement that is willing to die to let others live will remain eternally When Rome which enjoyed the greatest prosperity became self-centered, even that great empire collapsed.

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: May the Fatherland Shine Forth October 19, 1978

What if you do your church work just to get a salary or some recognition? Is that the correct motivation? The first commandment of Christ was to love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Giving your heart, mind, and soul means that you are ready to stick your neck out, even ready to die for the love of God. Are you doing that?

From the speech of Sun Myung Moon: The End of the World and Our Age March 19, 1989

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